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Click here to download the entire point WordPress blog launch checklist or sign up below. Get the Point Blog Launch Checklist Join the email list and get a copy of the full point blog launch checklist to start your blog the right wayaddress SUBSCRIBE We won't send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time. . Know Your What What is your niche? A lot depends on what you choose to blog about. A popular niche that a lot of people are interested in will make it easier for you to get the word out, and get people to read, even when your content isn t the best. On the other hand, if you pick a really narrow niche that not a whole lot of people really want to know more about, you could write stellar content and you still won t get any traffic.Here s what I think You should pick a niche between the two extremes. A niche that is photo editing servies popular enough, and also something you do not hate writing about. Ideally, you d want to write about something you re in love with, but what s ideal isn t always realistic. You should pick a niche where you have some leeway. You can pack a few different things which all relate to one another. For example, I blog about blogging, I also blog about design specifically, design in a way that relates to blogging.
I plan on incorporating more topics that relate to or complement the blogging life–such as writing for other blogs and publications, freelancing on the side, making money online, etc. When you pick a niche that s too narrow, you ll have a harder time driving traffic. As you grow, chances are, you ll be changing things around to fit your needs and goals as you go.