With the advent of the Internet agewe
What is this book about? The first question the author asks in his book is about why the mysteries of logicreason and scientific knowledge have failed to rid the world of superstitions and attempts to find support in star positionsbirth numbers or other magical methods. The End of the Common Sense Age Criticism of the mystics and psychologists in the language of logic and critical thinking does miss the markhoweverthe age of common sense must be taken into account as a fulcrumwhich some thinkers believe is coming to an end. More recentlythe concept of secondary.Oral expressionor so-called Gutenberg bracketshas become popular. During the five hundred years from C Level Contact List the invention of printing to the spread of the Internetthe printed word had an importanteven dominant role.are back to A preprint oral tradition of the town squaregossip and news passed directly from person to person without authenticity and common sense checks.
As a resulteach determines for himself what is truthand the boundaries of what is acceptable in an unknown world. One of the common reasons for turning to fortune tellers and psychicsespecially when experiencing lossis to try to connect with a deceased loved one. After a tragedylife seems meaningless. David Kesslerauthor of the famous concept of accepting the five stages of inevitability (denialangerbargainingdepressionand acceptance)added a sixth stage in Finding Meaning.