Content even to non-followers of the page
viral from the start because the social network will recommend such . These formats are now very efficient tools (in terms of accessibility) and this trend is likely to continue in the future. It is also worth noting that short video is a profit tool with a high return on investment. According to research, their return on investment is as high as; users prefer to receive information about new products and services through videos rather than written.Materials. This confirms the importance of video in engaging your audience and last database capturing their attention. of marketers say video has a direct impact on sales growth. So it’s clear that using short videos for commercialization is not only possible but necessary. However this must be done with the mind and the right method. How Short Videos Can Ruin Your Business Pros It’s all clear Videos go viral We get it subscribers and following Brands become more popular.
We get it customers. But what’s the issue here? Inappropriate use of video or incorrect content can lead to negative consequences or even destroy your business. Here are some examples of how short videos can damage your company's negative reputation. Videos that contain inappropriate or offensive content can cause a negative reaction from viewers. This can lead to outrage, boycotts and even public scandals that can severely damage your reputation and customer.