Ginimum length, and no
Ginimum length, and no minimum number of posts per day you must post, not even a minimum number of pages on the site. In most cases, quality is better than quantity. Our algorithm explicitly tries to find and recommend websites that provide high-quality content that is unique and engaging to users. Don't fill your website with low quality content, instead work to ensure that your website is the absolute best of the field. ” Quality of content, design, and overall experience = a worthy one for the quality rating. How to know ifyou've been affected by the Google Panda Update A clear and troublesome warning sign Lebanon Phone Number Datais a sudden drop in traffic. If this happens to your site during a known algorithm update, you may be penalized by Panda. Another way to determine a major positive change you're getting from Panda is to look at the overall quality of your site. Focus on what you are producing. Is your bounce rate high? Is your content getting shares and comments? Are your links difficult to navigate or are visible parts of your pages covered in ads?
Check the quality fairly, and if you see a huge drop in traffic then chances are Google has taken a big hit on you. How to recover when affected by Google Panda? First step: Don't panic. Instead, get to work. Panda updates and refreshes happen once a month, giving you a little time to work. (Note: announcements are not common anymore, you will only hear about if there is a major change to the algorithm). Between refreshes, if you take the right steps, you should start to see some improvements in your rankings.