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IU has asked Podemos to accept a Sánchez government even if a coalition is not agreed upon and ministries are not obtained. He thus proposes the Portuguese path, since the Portuguese prime minister, the socialist Antonio Costa, has governed alone since 2015 after a programmatic agreement with other left-wing forces. Within Podemos and the Catalan community, several voices have asked to study this possibility. The initiative comes on the same day that the acting vice president, Carmen Calvo, has ruled out any possibility of restarting negotiations with Podemos.
Discover more stories on Business Insider Spain . IU has marked the political news this Friday afternoon with an unexpected statement that it sent to the media: they want Podemos to support the investiture of Pedro Sánchez "even in the event that there was no agreement to constitute a coalition government with the PSOE, in order to avoid a new electo France Telegram Number Data etition". In this way, the left-wing coalition, integrated into the parliamentary group of Unidas Podemos, has suggested to its majority partner that they study the Portuguese route. In the Portuguese country, Prime Minister Antonio Costa, of the Socialist Party, has governed since 2015, after reaching a government pact with the Communist Party and the Left Bloc, among other forces.
However, none of them entered the Executive. "At Izquierda Unida we understand that it is precisely in the most turbulent moments when we must most firmly maintain the defense of the interests of working families as the only guide," IU stressed in the statement, in which it called the attitude of "the parties that defend the interests of a privileged minority." Read more: Podemos urges the PSOE to negotiate again as soon as possible: "There is no reason to wait until September" If this route is facilitated, IU also demands a programmatic agreement with Sánchez. The Portuguese route, an idea that is not new for Sánchez Within the leadership of Unidas Podemos it has always been maintained that a Portuguese path has always been the main bet of the socialist candidate for the investiture, Pedro Sánchez, and his main political advisor, Iván Redondo.