One of the advantages of this course is that it covers a real simulation
The Complete IT Job Search Course – Land Your Dream IT Job The Complete IT Job Search Course - Land Your Dream IT Job Searching for a job in the IT field is very complex, and requires some skills and guidance that will help you get the job of your dreams. Therefore, the presenter of this course was keen to provide all the information and tricks necessary to learn how to search for a prestigious job in the field of information technology.And the most important sites that provide jobs in the field. How to build Chinese Europe Phone Number List a strong CV and a professional account on LinkedIn , how to constantly improve your technical skills, and search for the largest companies that suit your specialty using the appropriate keywords. It also explains the most important books, websites, forums, and bulletins that you must follow constantly to become familiar with all the updates that occur in the field. Not only that, but it also addresses how to highlight your most important characteristics in personal interviews, and how to motivate employers to hire you. It also provides the most important effective tips that help you create competitive value for yourself in your field of work.
This course received a rating of 4.7 out of 5, and its duration is 14 hours. 7. Learning IT Help Desk Basics Learning IT Help Desk Basics course This course is intended for specialists in help desk jobs, as it covers: The most important support tools, whether remotely or communication tools, that the help desk needs. Different operating systems and how to deal with them and troubleshoot them. Microsoft Office 365 application. Networks and information security. ITIL Terms. Top tips on how to get your first job and pass the interview. This course is suitable for beginners who have the basics of IT and are looking for a job in this field. At the end of the course, in order to obtain your certificate, you must pass a final exam consisting of 30 questions about the most important technical questions that you must be familiar with.