Screenshot of Mailpoet website advantageeasy to navigate. Run your email marketing campaignsfrom start to finish with the many features on offer. If necessary usesegmentation to target smaller audiences. Perfect integration with WordPressand WooCommerce shortcoming There arent many email templates to choose from.Scheduling options are limited at this time. Pricing structure You can choose amonthly or annual payment plan with MailPoet. The free subscription allows youto send up to emails per month making it very feasible for a simple emailmarketing plan. Paid plans range from to permonth depending on the number of subscribers you have. You can send unlimitedemails per month remove Mailpoet branding and get targeted marketing automationon any paid plan. Screenshot of Mailpoet pricing Who phone numbers data is it best for Bloggers ore-commerce brands using WordPress as the foundation of their business. SendGridIf you want to create great emails and make sure they end up in front of yourcustomers instead of going into the junk folder SendGrid can help you.Screenshot of SendGrid website advantage Personalization is great and can makepeople feel more engaged with your brand.
You can use this program to thoroughlyanalyze the details of your email marketing. shortcoming It doesnt allow formuch segmentation so targeted marketing is difficult. The free plan does notoffer any support so even running a small campaign on it is not easy. Someautoresponders are very basic. Pricing structure SendGrids pricing plans aredivided into two categories for developers and for marketers. On the marketerside with the free plan you can get up to contacts and send up to emails per month. Basic plans start at per month while Advanced plansstart at per month both offering powerful features and contact limits.