Have you adopted close variants into your marketing strategy? Would love to hear your stories and perspective in the comments!Navah HopkinsMEET THE AUTHORNavah HopkinsNavah Hopkins is a Top 25 PPC Expert and international speaker who has been in the digital marketing industry since 2008. She specializes in paid media strategy and helping brands build relationships with profitable partners and customers.
She’s a cofounding member of the Paid Search Association, a group dedicated to empowering Benin WhatsApp Number the next generation of PPC practitioners, and she continues to give back by sharing lessons learned at conferences and local universities, and in blogs and webinars for SEJ, SEL, Semrush, and WordStream.See other posts by Navah HopkinsAccording to analytics firm Flurry, U.S. consumers spend an average of 5 hours per day on mobile devices. As you can see in the graph below, the time spent on mobile phones is increasing at a pretty rapid rate. minutes spent per day on mobile devicesMinutes per day spent on mobile devicesWhether you’re checking email, searching for something on Google, or stalking your favorite celebrities on Instagram, we all encounter Google search and display ads on our devices, likely several times a day.

However, just showing up on mobile isn’t really enough. In fact, WordStream data shows that advertisers have struggled to keep their dip in July 2016 when AdWords users lost the ability to set mobile-preferred ads: mobile ad click through ratesData source: Based on a sample of 10,170 WordStream client accounts advertising on mobile devices on the Google Search Network in 2016.So as the advertiser, how can you stand out?Luckily, Google is constantly coming out with new and improved ways for advertisers to capitalize on their mobile audience.