All the best. Reply Marketing plan: analysis of the environment, let's start at the beginning. 13 may, 2016 at 21:23 […] analysis of the environment will serve us and will also help us to carry out the SWOT and CAME matrix; to propose income forecast scenarios taking into account future trends or […] Reply Key tools in a Marketing Plan (VIII): view of the action plan 14 may, 2016 at 10:06 […] that in this series of posts, among others, the PEST-E matrix, SWOT, CAME, Porter's 5 Forces, Market Positioning matrix, Performance-importance matrix and […] Reply Benchmarking, definition and how to apply it in online marketing August 26, 2021 at 3:35 p.
mSocial Media Collaborations: through social networks Juan Luis Phone Number Data Pintor SOCIALMEDIA 7 Comments Index of contents Why collaborate when I can compete? Who do I collaborate with? How to identify other companies to collaborate through Social Networks? How to collaborate with other companies through Social Networks? There are many online marketing professionals who focus on generating a community of consumers related to our brand and forget the strategic importance that the possibility of carrying out social media collaborations with other companies has for businesses. In this post I will summarize just some of the social media marketing actions that can be carried out by channel to increase our collaborations with other companies and improve our results.

Why collaborate when I can compete? Wake up! In the new environment, individualism is no longer valid, the advantages of an alliance are numerous, but we can summarize it in a single concept, it is that together they will be stronger than each one would be separately . Cooperation between companies is the interrelation between two or more independent companies, which by joining or sharing part of their resources and know-how, generate a degree of collaboration with the aim of increasing their competitive advantages and improving their results. Who do I collaborate with? It is the first question we must ask ourselves in the search for synergies.