Respectively. Moreover, the parties to the agreement shall provide information about the suspension of the application of the multi-company agreement to the parties to the agreement. The provisions of the Labor Code do not specify the form in which the agreement is to be drawn up, however, due to the fact that it must be reported to the register, it is worth making the agreement to suspend the arrangement in writing. The entities authorized to suspend the agreement are the parties to the company agreement, and its addressees are, in principle, all employees .
As indicated by the Supreme Court, an agreement on the suspension of the application of a collective labor agreement is concluded philippines photo editor for all employees covered by this agreement, unless the parties expressly exclude a clearly defined group of employees from its scope Article in connection with Article § and Article § second sentence of the Labor Code [judgment of the Supreme Court of March , , ref. no. file I PK / ]. Negotiations and conclusion of a company agreement An enterprise agreement may cover more than one employer if these employers are part of the same legal person.

Negotiations on concluding a company agreement are conducted by: the competent authority of the legal entity on the part of the employers; all company trade union organizations operating at employers, provided that if company trade union organizations belong to the same union, federation or confederation, the body designated by this union, federation or confederation is authorized to conduct negotiations on their behalf.