To calculate the personal maximum and minimum , as indicated by the Personal Income Tax Law, the general minimum is , euros. For those over years of age, , euros would be added to this amount, up to , annually, and for those over years of age, , euros would be added to this amount, up to , Therefore, a -year-old person who earns , euros would have What is personal income tax and how does it affect workers and the self-employed - Personal income tax withholding min Our personal minimum would be , euros, to which a withholding would have to be applied, which is the first applicable bracket to know what amount we can deduct from the personal income tax brackets calculated below.
Therefore, we can deduct , euros from our sections. during is Denmark WhatsApp Number Data Up to , euros From , euros to , euros From , euros to , euros Between , euros and , euros From , euros to , euros For income over , euros The minimum rate applied is and the maximum is , applied in sections. That is, for a gross salary of , euros the following would apply What is personal income tax and how does it affect workers and the self-employed - Personal income tax withholding min would be applied to the first , euros, with an amount withheld for personal income tax of , euros, plus the , euros in the next tranche where withholding is applied with a personal income tax of , euros.

Therefore, a total of , euros will be withheld from us. MASTER IN HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Learn to apply the latest recruitment , selection, organization and motivation techniques Tell me more! In this way, the personal income tax that will be applied to us during the year will be the difference between the sections that we have applied to personal income tax of , euros and our personal minimum withholding of , euros, with a total amount of , euros and of the gross amount of our salary , as can be seen in the following table.