[color=var(--isitwp-color)]Many customers abandon the checkout page when they see huge shipping costs. By adding a discount on shipping costs, you can attract more customers to your online store. In this tutorial, we will show you a quick and easy way to create a discounted shipping coupon for your WooCommerce store. What does “Shipping Discount” mean (and how is it effective)?[color=var(--isitwp-color)]Most ecommerce stores offer free shipping when orders reach a certain total. This can increase sales to some extent, but many customers may be discouraged. If they feel like they can’t reach the subtotal required to qualify for the discounted shipping rate, they norway whatsapp data may simply abandon their cart. In recent years, it’s become common knowledge that many customers abandon their carts because they have limited or unsatisfactory options at checkout. [color=var(--isitwp-color)]An effective solution to reduce cart abandonment is to add multiple shipping conditions and prices:However, the more modern way is to create a coupon that gives you a discount on shipping costs (for example, 20% OFF on express checkout or 50% OFF when selecting a specific shipping zone). This technique is already used by large online stores like eBay and AliExpress, which offer multiple shipping options. With this type of coupon, your customers will have the freedom to order the items they need at prices they love. You can also send the shipping discount coupon to your email lists and attract new customers to your WooCommerce store.